Read the Annual Report Here
9:00 AM Combined Worship Service including the rector's annual address
10:15 AM Continental Breakfast in the Great Hall
10:45 AM Annual Meeting in the Great Hall
At the annual meeting we:
- Elect new vestry members and diocesan convention delegates;
- Thank our outgoing vestry members;
- Get a financial report on the prior year and learn about the current year budget;
- Read and hear reports from church committees and ministries;
- Hear about and discuss progress on our strategic plan;
- Pray for departed members;
- And more!
We will have some activities for kids as well.
Be sure to join us for this important day.
Job Descriptions
Vestry: the elected lay leadership of the parish, vestry members meet monthly to share with the rector in the oversight of the parish. They set policy, approve and oversee the budget, and manage the temporal affairs of the church. Time commitment: one regular meeting a month, plus an annual retreat, and other meetings as required.
Convention Delegates: represent the parish at the annual diocesan convention. The convention is held October 24 and 25 in Novi. There is also one deanery preconvention meeting in October on Zoom. The convention elects deputies to General Convention, and diocesan leadership positions, approves the diocesan budget, and conducts other business. Former delegates have said that they love seeing and participating in the wider church and building relationships with other parishes. Time commitment: the day and a half of the convention and one online meeting.