

In the Episcopal Church we baptize both children and adults.  If you are an adult seeking baptism, we offer periodic inquirers' classes.  Please contact our priest, Fr. Eric, for more information.

If you have recently had a child, congratulations!  A big step for the new child is the sacrament of Baptism.  We would love to talk with you about baptizing your child.  Here is some general information go get started.

Baptism is generally administered on specific dates: Easter Vigil (night before Easter), Pentecost (50 days after Easter), All Saints (First Sunday in November), and the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus (Sunday after January 6). If necessary and for good reason, other dates may be available, but, not during Lent. All baptisms are public and done in the context of one of our Sunday morning communion services. Pre-baptismal instruction to parents and godparents (sponsors) is required and is arranged when scheduling the baptism.

If you are interested in becoming baptized or baptizing your child please contact Fr. Eric by email or call the church office at (248) 651-6188.

To request a baptism for your child, please fill out our online form below or you may download and fill out the Baptism Information Form and mail it back to the church office.

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