Franciscan Fractal: “Baptism of Jesus”
Contemplating Today’s Culture through the Eyes of St. Francis & the Light of Christ
Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. Luke 3: 21-22
Epiphany in the church year further introduces or makes known Jesus Christ. The celebration of Jesus’ baptism is a major event in which the Christ is revealed. Baptisms or “water washings” were common at the time of John the Baptist and his cousin Jesus. These cleansing rituals were most frequently done in private homes and with flowing water. The hope was to wash away the wrongdoings of the Jewish people, so that the rule of the Roman Empire would end. Freedom was their hope and end goal.
The fact that Jesus was baptized in the river Jordan was not out of the ordinary. John was a well-recognized baptizer who attracted many people to be baptized in the Jordan. In becoming “like us,” Jesus was also baptized. His baptism was similar to that of hundreds of other people who entered the river.
During this specific baptism; however, something unusual happened. A dove settled over the scene and changed the cleansing ritual, and infused it with the loving power of God. The Holy Spirit – ushered in with the words spoken from the sky – announced the presence of God with, “This is my Son whom I love: with him I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17 (NIV) This announcement proclaimed that all future water washings would be forever changed.
Unlike a cleansing ritual, christening, or baby-naming event, Christian baptism is a profound sacrament uniting the baptized person not only with God, but also with the baptized community of the faithful. It is not a solitary event for the new believer. Baptism is welcoming other believers into the community. It is carried out not solely by water itself, but by water AND the Word of God.
Baptism puts away a person’s old way of living (actually kills the old person), and allows for freedom to live a new life according to the way of Christ.
The church’s ritual of baptism has changed over the years. Until the 16th century, older forms of baptism had included expanded rituals such as salt being placed in the mouth of the child along with the spoken words, “(Name of the child) receive the salt of wisdom. May it aid thee to eternal life.”
Other early forms of the ritual included exorcisms such as “exsufflation,” where the priest blew three times under the child's eyes, saying, "Depart thou unclean spirit and give room to the Holy Spirit,” and then again blowing three more times and repeating the same exhortation. The priest followed these words by touching the child's nose and ears with spittle, saying, “Ephphatha, that is, be thou opened. But thou, devil, flee; for God's judgment cometh speedily.” These rituals over time were dropped from the baptismal format, and focus was placed on the affirmation of faith.
For clarity, baptism is an ongoing event that does not end with the final drop of water poured on the head (or water in submersion) of the newly baptized person, but one that lasts a lifetime. We often forget that piece of information. When a child is baptized, parents make a solemn promise before God to instruct the child in the way of Christ, and place the Word of God in their heart and mind as the child grows.
Instead of being seen as a sole requirement for the forgiveness of sins and a future entrance into heaven, Jesus changed baptism into a public event in which a person is welcomed into the assembly of believers. In being marked with the cross of Christ and sealed by power of the Holy Spirit, the baptized receive a new identity as a follower of Christ. The story of Jesus now becomes their story.
Reminders of baptism can be seen throughout the worship service. One of the most common reminders is in making the sign of the cross. That sign is not only a personal reminder of one’s baptism and renewing Spirit of God, but is also a reminder to others that they also are part of a community of believers witnessed in their own baptism.
There are times when a person may feel far from God’s love. Seeing other people make the sign of the cross + may be an aid to them. Be encouraged. Keep making the sign of the cross + as a visual support for others (as well as for yourself). At the same time, remember the power of your own baptism that was initiated by Jesus the Christ.
Prayers and Blessings for the New Year! +
Fr. John