Bible 101



An Introduction to the Bible

Thursday evenings at St. Philip's





•September 19 – How the Bible was written

•October 17 – History in and behind the Bible

•November 21 – Hebrew Bible, part 1

•December 19 – Hebrew Bible, part 2



•January 16 -- The Apocrypha 

•February 20 – The Synoptic Gospels

•March 15 (Sat) – Johannine Literature 

Please note: the March session will be on Saturday morning from 9:00-10:30 am

•April 24  – Letters of St. Paul

•May 15 – Other Letters

•June 19 – Reading the Bible through many lenses


This course is an overview of the whole Bible. Participants will learn what is in the Bible, how the Bible is put together, and how Episcopalians generally interpret the Bible. The class will meet once a month and will be led by Father Eric. You do not need any prior knowledge or experience of the Bible, but even those who are pretty advanced will find new insights and information. Sessions will also be available on our YouTube page.


We will be posting videos of each session on or before the date of the in-person class. You can access videos of these classes any time. 

Session 7: Johannine Literature

(In-person class on Saturday, March 15 at 9:00 am)

Watch Session 7 on YouTube

Download Session 7 Slides

Session 6: The Synoptic Gospels

(In-person class on February 20 at 7:00 pm)

Watch Session 6 on YouTube

Download Session 6 Slides

Session 5: The Apocrypha

(In-person class on January 16 at 7:00 pm)

Watch Session 5 on YouTube

Download Session 5 Slides

Session 4: The Hebrew Bible, Part 2

(In-person class on December 19 at 7:00 pm)

Watch Session 4 on YouTube

Download Session 4 Slides

Session 3: The Hebrew Bible, Part 1

Watch Session 3 on YouTube

Session 3 Slides

Session 2: History In and Behind the Bible

Watch Session 2 on YouTube

Session 2 Slides

Session 1: How the Bible Was Written

Watch Session 1 on YouTube

Session 1 Slides



(Check the E-pistle for any changes to dates or times.)



September 19 – How the Bible was written

October 17 – History in and behind the Bible

November 21 – Hebrew Bible, part 1

December 19 – Hebrew Bible, part 2


January 16 -- The Apocrypha

February 20 – The Synoptic Gospels

March 15 (Sat) – Johannine Literature

April 24 – Letters of St. Paul

May 15 – Other Letters

June 19 – Reading the Bible through many lenses


Some questions we will address—feel free to bring your own questions!

  • Who wrote the Bible?
  • Why are there so many translations of the Bible and how are they different?
  • Is everything in the Bible literally true?
  • Is everything in the Bible in chronological order?
  • How can I keep all those names straight?
  • Is the God of the New Testament the same God as in the Old Testament?
  • Why are there four different Gospels?
  • How do I understand Revelation and the other weird stuff in the Bible?