
If you are planning to get married, congratulations! We are here to help you navigate the process. The first step should be to call the office at (248)651-6188 to see if your proposed date is available and to schedule a conversation with our priest.

A few things to know up front:

  • At least one of the couple must be a baptized Christian.
  • You will need to do at least three sessions of pre-marital counseling with our priest (or someone designated by them if you live out of town).
  • If one or both have been previously married you will need to complete this form.
  • The marriage liturgy may be taken from either the Book of Common Prayer or a newer liturgy called The Witnessing and Blessing of a Marriage.
  • Suggested lessons for the service can be found at

You can read about all of our policies and fees in our wedding booklet.

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