Sunday School

♦ "Train children in the way they should go. When they grow old, they won't depart from it."  Proverbs 22:6  ♦

Welcome to St. Philip’s Episcopal Church Sunday School--

We are glad that you are here!


Start-up Sunday for Church School and youth programs is September 15, 2024


Registration is always open. 

  We welcome parents, grandparents, and children of all ages into our caring community.

What we teach and how:

Our children's religious program is based on stories from the Bible. Our curriculum accommodates children from the age of 5-11 years old.  We incorporate Bible stories, crafts, and media into a full-faith experience for our children.  This allows for them to grow their faith by leaps and bounds.  Children will see that as their faith grows, it goes with them into their daily experiences

  • Children can find books, activity bags, and clip boards in the parlor on the way into the sanctuary to use during the service.  Children may like to join in worship as full participants.  We encourage readers to follow along with the music and prayer responses printed in the bulletin.  

Special Note:

The church school families may take communion after the choir before the rest of the congregation.  We will then leave church early and meet in the Great Hall to get a small snack to take to our classrooms downstairs.


  • Elementary age children, from kindergarten to fifth grade, meet with the teachers for music, prayer and activity-based learning, such as art, drama, games, cooking, and/or discussions.  Each week one or more of the readings/lessons/scriptures from the Sunday service/daily lectionary is the topic for our activities and study.  Class convenes until 12 noon when children meet their parents in the Great Hall.  Parents, grandparents, and/or care givers are welcome to observe and participate in our class at any time. 
  • The Christmas Pageant practices will take place during church school class time in December to prepare for their Christmas eve performance.
  • We may also participate in intergenerational events during special seasons, such as:  St. Francis Feast Day, All Saints Day, Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost.
  • Parents with busy toddlers and preschool age children have the option to participate during the service, play in the parlor at the back of the sanctuary, or go to the nursery playroom downstairs with two church care givers.

No program would be complete without the generous help of volunteers.  

We need caring people who are willing to dedicate an hour on Sunday to work as teachers and assistants.  If this sounds like you, click the button below to sign up for a Sunday. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Want to Volunteer?




Register here for Sunday School--Begins Fall 2024


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Meet Colleen Bugaj -- our NEW Director of Religious Education

As a fairly new member of St. Philip’s, I am really looking forward to serving as a member of the Religious Education Team. I have been an early education teacher for more than 30 years and consider myself very fortunate that my days are spent working with children.

I grew up in Southern California, and after college I married my husband, Marc, who grew up in Michigan. He convinced me to move here and this is where we have raised our three children. Marc and I, currently make our home in Rochester Hills, with our dog and 2 cats. I like to cook, love to read and enjoy working in our yard- sometimes!

Colleen will be getting right to work planning Vacation Bible School for this summer. If you are interested in helping, please contact her at: And let’s give her a warm St. Philip’s welcome.